Chip seals are an application of asphalt emulsion or chemically modified asphalt, followed by a layer of aggregate which is rolled and embedded into the emulsified asphalt. The process may be repeated to create a double or triple chip seal.

Chip seals are used to prevent water intrusion into a pavement and create a high friction surface for safety. Chip seal emulsions can be polymer modified to improve aggregate retention and provide for a quicker return to traffic.

In mid-August, a chip seal project in Madison County, IN took place.
The Asphalt Materials, Inc. (AMI) product being used on this project was AE-90, supplied from our Indianapolis plant.
The county is chip sealing full width, using locally sourced gravel for the chips.
In Combination with Fog Seals
Fog seals may also be used on chip seal applications to help lock the coarse aggregate and provide a darker color, which improves safety by making the striping more visible.
Building More Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure
DOTs are being challenged to build more resilient and sustainable transportation systems to benefit and protect communities, improve the resilience of at-risk infrastructure, and institutionalize climate-informed decision-making.
Since 1956, Asphalt Materials has been focused on building longer-lasting, safer roads.
Asphalt pavements deliver the performance that agencies, designers, owners, and drivers demand.

When roads last longer, they are more resilient and sustainable. Since chip seals are a maintenance treatment, they can be a valuable aid to renew weathered asphalt surfaces and seal minor cracks and surface voids which can extend the life of a road.
AMISEAL™ – Asphalt Materials’ Chip Seal Products
Asphalt emulsions (AE) consist of an asphalt base, water, and an emulsifier, or soap. Asphalt emulsions are primarily graded or classified on curing rate and ion charge. There are several important factors why asphalt emulsions are utilized so frequently.
• Asphalt emulsions do not require a petroleum solvent to make them liquid.

• Asphalt emulsions can be used in most cases without additional heat which contributes to energy savings
• Because of concerns about reducing atmospheric pollution, it is comforting to know that there are little to no hydrocarbon emissions from asphalt emulsions
• Asphalt emulsions have the ability to coat damp aggregate surfaces
• The use of asphalt emulsions for use in preventive maintenance to increase the service life of slightly distressed existing pavements
To learn more about our AMISEAL™ line of products, visit the products page here on our website. Our chip seal products are shown below.

Products (neat emulsion):
• AE-150 • AE-200
• AE-300 • AE-90
• CRS-2 • HFE-150
Products (polymer modified emulsion):
• AE-90S • CRS-2P
• CRS-P • HF-P
Products (Chemically Modified Asphalt):
• CM-90
J-Band® and CCAP ® are registered trademarks of Asphalt Materials, Inc. AMIBIND™, AMIBOND™, AMICYCLE™, AMIGUARD™, AMISEAL™ are trademarks of Asphalt Materials, Inc.
Other photos from the Madison County, Indiana project from mid-August.

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