20-Year VRAM Success Story: US-51

After decades of testing, J-Band®, the premier Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) from Asphalt Materials Inc. (AMI), is the proven innovation that dramatically reduces the age-old problem of longitudinal joint deterioration. Take a look back with us at one of the first projects to incorporate this game-changing asphalt product.

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The New Year Marks the Start of AEMA’s 2024-2025 LEAP Class

The new year brings a brand-new LEAP (Leadership Education for Asphalt Preservation) class for 2024-2025. The LEAP program is intended for AEMA (Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association) members looking to increase their knowledge of the asphalt emulsion industry. It is a 12-month immersive program that allows members to immerse themselves in the asphalt industry through facility/jobsite tours and other key learning opportunities. The classes kick off during the annual AEMA, ARRA and ISSA meetings and conclude at the meeting the following calendar year. 

Asphalt Materials’ very own Kim Gessner was named Class Dean for this year’s LEAP program. Zach Robinson and Jordan Vaughn, members from our division of companies under The Heritage Group, are also participants in this year’s program.  

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RPE Extends the Life of County Highways in Dodge County, Wisconsin 

In road maintenance, securing funds for upkeep and improvements is a constant struggle as budgets grow even tighter. That is why it is crucial to protect your pavement early with the use of a rapid penetrating emulsion (RPE) like AMIGUARD™.  

Traditionally agencies have waited for oxidation and cracking to occur in new pavements before treating roads with crack or chip seals. Using a treatment like RPE before roads begin to deteriorate can lead to longer-lasting roads. The Dodge County Highway Department recently applied AMIGUARD on seven highways immediately after paving as a preventive treatment.  

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How Asphalt Materials Implemented the 5S Methodology

This past year, AMI continued to implement the 5S method within our plants to better improve safety, apply Lean principles and to support our employees at our plants. All 22 locations are trained on the 5S process by plant managers who have received their yellow belt training. 

AMI completed about 19 Kaizens this past year to improve their sites using 5S. Kaizens are business activities that help improve functions and processes. The Director of Operations and Quality Control Director helps prioritize and select which locations need to perform a Kaizen. 

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The Future of Rumble Strips: Innovative Materials for Enhanced Durability

Drivers are distracted now more than ever. Whether it be falling asleep behind the wheel or texting while driving, drivers are not paying attention to the roads. So, it is important to invest in a proven safety tool, centerline rumble strips (CLRS). Though rumble strips save lives, they may reduce the life and performance of the centerline joint.

By applying J-Band®, Asphalt Material Inc.’s (AMI) void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM) product, and AMIGUARD™, Asphalt Material Inc.’s rapid penetrating emulsion (RPE), you can protect the joint, the pavement and the lives of workers and drivers alike.

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