What is RPE?
It is important to plan ahead when considering pavement protection and preservation techniques. Proactive pavement protection is an infrastructure investment, but it can also help ensure safety for drivers. One important aspect of pavement preservation is to reduce air voids. When air voids are high, permeability is high, which adversely affects pavement life. This is why using a Rapid Penetrating Emulsion (RPE) soon after pavement construction can be a wise investment.
RPE is a product designed to fill voids of asphalt pavements. The penetrating nature of the emulsion is important because it carries additional residue, asphalt, into the voids and therefore fills the voids and reduces permeability.
An RPE, like the ones found in Asphalt Material’s AMIGUARD™ product portfolio can reduce air and water intrusion while maintaining the pavement’s original texture. The penetrating nature of the RPE means that the asphalt residue gets “in” the pavement rather than “on” the pavement. RPE is most effective if applied within the first year of the pavement’s construction.
Monroe County RPE Project
On June 10, 2023, Milestone conducted an AMIGUARD™ RPE job in Monroe County, Indiana, on Hunter’s Creek Road. Milestone picked up the AMIGUARD™ from the Indianapolis plant on the morning of the job.
RPE was applied and paved by the Milestone crew, while the job was inspected by American Structure Point. Accompanying Milestone and American Structure Point was also Tim Zahrn from Asphalt Materials.
The RPE application started around about 9:45 a.m. at a rate of 0.08 gallons per mile. The northbound half of Hunter’s Creek Road was applied first.
Next, Milestone began applying RPE on the eastbound side of Hunter’s Creek with a rate of 0.08 gallons per mile. The material had penetrated the pavement in approximately 15 minutes with the application being completed around 10:15 a.m. The total application length of both the northbound and eastbound sections was 2.3 miles long. Lastly, the westbound area application began around 11:30 a.m. and was completed around 11:55 a.m.

Lab and field testing are some of the methods to show how well our AMIGUARD™ product is penetrating and protecting. Two roads in Hendricks County, Indiana, that received AMIGUARD™ have shown the following: 85.4% reduction in permeability on County Road 700 South, and a 95% reduction in permeability on County Road 200E.
AMIGUARD™ can be used in many ways. Projects may include application to a new hot mix asphalt, application over a centerline or edge line rumble strip, full width application for recycled pavements, or to treat low-density areas like spot repairs. Applying RPE on centerlines creates lasting permeability reduction, decreases dry time, and improves winter performance.
Some Benefits of Using AMIGUARD™ RPE?
- Quick Curing
- Decreases Permeability
- Quick Water Resistance After Placement
- Quick Return to Traffic
- Maintain Surface Textile
- Full Width Capabilities
- Improved thermoplastic striping adhesion
To read additional information about our AMIGUARD™ RPE, click here.
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