Bruce Wehr, Sales Representative with AMI, shares his thoughts on a micro-surfacing project using 100% RAP he took part in located in the City of Lancaster, Ohio.
Excerpt from the JULY – AUGUST 2022 Edition of TRANSPORTATION BUILDER Magazine from ARTBA, The American Road & Transportation Builders Association
On the Road Again
More than 90 percent of American households have a car and three-quarters of Americans use them for daily commutes. Thanks to the IIJA, the country’s dominant mode of travel will become even more efficient, as projects get underway and are completed. While better transportation systems are the end goal, the creation of well-paying jobs and associated economic growth along the way will be an added benefit.
[T]he investments from the IIJA will not be limited to highways and will also bring much-needed improvements to airports and public transportation. The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) has already announced $1 billion in Airport Terminal Grants so that those dealing with delayed and canceled flights will at least have modernized facilities in which to wait. The new law also more than doubles annual Airport Improvement Program investment which will lead to a dramatic boost in runway and other airside infrastructure projects.
Scan the QR Code to visit the ARTBA Site.
To read the full article in the AUGUST 2022 Edition of TRANSPORTATION BUILDER follow the link below.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), aka Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021. The law authorizes $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure spending with $550 billion of that figure going toward “new” investments and programs. Funding from the IIJA is expansive in its reach, addressing energy and power infrastructure, access to broadband internet, water infrastructure, and more. Some of the new programs funded by the bill could provide the resources needed to address a variety of infrastructure needs at the local level.
Acts of kindness and goodwill are common threads that bind us all. To celebrate #WorldKindnessWeek we want to share our recent acts of service in supporting our communities and neighbors across the nation. Let’s celebrate all the ways we can demonstrate our friendliness, helpfulness, and consideration to others!
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 6:30am – 3:30pm
Dispatch: Chris Lewis 317-872-5580
The Indianapolis plant has been part of the AMI family since the 1950’s. This facility was built by AMI’s very own Fred Fehsenfeld Sr.
We provide different emulsion products out of this facility including non-tracking and polymer modified. See below for full availability:
PG Asphalt
CM Asphalt Binder
Cutback Asphalt
Modified PG Asphalt
Non-Tracking Emulsion
Polymer Modified Emulsion
Rejuvenating Emulsion
Fun Facts:
Truck & Rail access
We’re Here for Your Roads:
At AMI, our dedicated team of experts are ready and available to help meet all your construction and materials needs. We specialize in asphalt emulsions, polymer modified binders, cold mix, asphalt emulsion seal coat base, crack sealants and more. With our talented laboratory technicians and hard-working plant staff, creating the highest quality asphalt emulsion products is our number one priority. We provide the finest asphalt materials within our customer’s budgets, specifications and time frame without sacrificing quality. We keep you up to date on the latest practices and materials, so you don’t miss a beat when it comes to your roads.
Let’s Talk About Your Project:
Our products are customized to fit your needs. View our featured products by application below. Then get in touch with us. We are more than happy to answer any questions that arise for your next road project.
Our customers know they can rely on us for their superior road solutions. If you have general questions about products, customization, locations, etc. reach out to our Indianapolis team today for your road repair and maintenance needs.
Throughout the year, our Heritage family will collect items for the communities we work and live in that are in need. In September, we collected more than 12,020 essential items for victims and survivors of domestic violence across the country.
A Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane, (VRAM), project took place on August 3rd & 8th in Hennepin County, Minnesota. This was a Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) project.
Excerpt from the JULY – AUGUST 2022 Edition of TRANSPORTATION BUILDER Magazine from ARTBA, The American Road & Transportation Builders Association
CHAIRMAN’S CORNER – by WARD NYE | Chairman & CEO, Martin Marietta
Building Resilient Transportation Infrastructure Requires Investment, Innovation & Collaboration
“At the federal level, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) has established both a formula and a discretionary program aimed at rewarding states that enhance the resiliency of transportation infrastructure and make plans for future investment.
At the federal level, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) has established both a formula and discretionary program aimed at rewarding states that enhance the resiliency of transportation infrastructure and make plans for future investment.
As chronicled in the pages of this issue, stories of our industry’s endeavors to incorporate resiliency into transportation improvements abound. For example, building information modeling (BIM) helped replace the aging East 138th Street Bridge (known by many as the Madison Avenue Bridge) in New York City, making the city’s transportation grid more resilient. Learning from past weather events, highway engineers in Florida have constructed a 2.4-mile stretch of highway on the state’s east coast designed to be more resilient in the wake of future storms.
Scan the QR Code to visit the ARTBA Site.
To read the full article in the AUGUST 2022 Edition of TRANSPORTATION BUILDER follow the link below.
Excerpt of October 2022 Article Featured in Asphalt Pavement Magazine
Volume 27 | Number 5
“The three tenants of sustainability are people (social), planet (environmental concerns), and the oft-forgotten profit. As a graduate student, I lounged one evening on my porch after a day of pounding out proctor samples in the lab, sipping on a craft beer (my millennial is showing), and reading the book ‘Cradle to Cradle’ by architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart.
That book changed my career trajectory. One of my biggest takeaways was that I could do everything in the world for people and the environment; but if I didn’t make a profit, I would go out of business. That’s not sustainable.
RAP is a great example of cradle-to-cradle. Old binder is binder; old aggregate is aggregate. Asphalt pavement is used as asphalt pavement. How do we, the asphalt pavement industry, leverage sustainability (do good for our neighbors and our world) to also make a profit?”
Read more from the September / October issue of Asphalt Pavement Magazine by scanning the QR Code.
Footnote: Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is the term given to removed and/or reprocessed pavement materials containing asphalt and aggregates. These materials are generated when asphalt pavements are removed for reconstruction, resurfacing, or to obtain access to buried utilities. When properly crushed and screened, RAP consists of high-quality, well-graded aggregates coated by asphalt cement.
Let’s take a look behind the scenes into the pavement problems, what options were considered, and why recycling was the clear answer for Dundee High School pavement project in Monroe County, Michigan.
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