Amelia Earhart. A Spotlight on Women in STEM.

Amelia Earhart was More Than Just an American Aviator

Born July 24, 1897 

We celebrate Amelia Earhart as a pioneering woman of science, someone who participated in and promoted STEM education, much of it here in Indiana.  In 1935, Earhart became a visiting faculty member at Purdue University as an advisor to aeronautical engineering and a career counselor to female students.

Being an Indiana company with deep roots stretching all the way back to 1930, you might imagine the connections with Purdue University are also deep-rooted. We are a company that is involved in construction, materials, chemicals, and environmental services with research and development across all of our businesses. These areas of parallel commonalities to a Purdue University STEM education are just a few reasons why these roots are so deep.

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Asphalt Emulsions. Chemistry in Action.

What is an Asphalt Emulsion?

Asphalt Emulsions are a mixture of an asphalt base, water, and emulsifier (soap) that is primarily graded on the curing rate and ion charge. There is interest in the usage of emulsions for several reasons. The first reason is that an asphalt emulsion does not require a petroleum solvent to make it liquid, and in most cases does not require additional heat which helps save energy.

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The Beauty of Asphalt

All About Asphalt

Asphalt is the heart of our roads and infrastructure, and better yet, it is the most recycled material in America. Asphalt is the top reused and recycled good, above paper, plastic, and cans. The question on most people’s minds, is how is one of the most important aspects of our infrastructure also the most recyclable? The answers have to do with sustainability, circular economy, and perpetual pavement.

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AMI Quarterly Blood Drive: 72 Indiana Lives Saved

After our last AMI quarterly Blood Drive that took place on June 7th, we have saved 72 Indiana lives through our combined efforts and generous donations. We are so thankful for all of our blood donors. They are incredible! It reminds us that there is no better way to spread the love of life than donating blood to aid in saving others’ lives.

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Facility Spotlight: Warsaw, IN

Location: Warsaw, Indiana

2820 E. Durbin St. Warsaw, IN 46580

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 6:30am – 3:30pm

Office: 574-267-5076


This plant was originally located in Columbia City and was owned by Bituminous Materials and moved to Warsaw in 1975. The Warsaw plant has been part of the AMI family since 2009.


We provide different emulsion products out of this facility including non-tracking and polymer modified.

Fun Facts:

Truck & Rail access

We’re Here for Your Roads: 

At AMI, our dedicated team of experts are ready and available to help meet all your construction and materials needs. We specialize in asphalt emulsions, polymer modified binders, cold mix, asphalt emulsion seal coat base, crack sealants and more. With our talented laboratory technicians and hard-working plant staff, creating the highest quality asphalt emulsion products is our number one priority. We provide the finest asphalt materials within our customer’s budgets, specifications and time frame without sacrificing quality. We keep you up to date on the latest practices and materials, so you don’t miss a beat when it comes to your roads.

Let’s Talk About Your Project:

Our products are customized to fit your needs. View our featured products by application below. Then get in touch with us. We are more than happy to answer any questions that arise for your next road project.

Our customers know they can rely on us for their superior road solutions. If you have general questions about products, customization, locations, etc. reach out to our Warsaw team today for your road repair and maintenance needs.

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Rumble Strips Protect Lives, But They Also Need Protecting

Rumble Strips Are Becoming More Popular, But They Also Need To Be Protected

It is important to plan ahead when protecting the infrastructure investments made for our streets, roads, and highways. Reducing air voids is critical to improving pavement life. When air voids are higher, permeability is higher, and this will adversely affect pavement life.

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How Washtenaw County, Michigan is Focused on Pavement Preservation

Washtenaw County is located in southeast Michigan. The County seat is Ann Arbor, home of
The University of Michigan Wolverines. The Washtenaw County Road Commission (“WCRC”) is responsible for maintaining 1,653 total miles of primary and local roads along with 598 lane miles of State highways under a contract arrangement with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT).

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