Construction Worker Safety is a Family Matter

The Scott Family Shares Personal Stories About Work Zone Safety

After more than five years, Indiana House Bill 1015, the work-site safety pilot program, has passed the Indiana General Assembly and now heads to the Governor’s desk for his signature. This pilot program places electronic license plate readers in active construction sites, monitoring for drivers exceeding posted work site speed limits by at least 11 miles per hour. First-time offenders will be mailed a warning, with second-time violators receiving fines of 75 dollars.

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Safety Stand Downs Help Asphalt Materials Prepare for a Safe & Successful 2023 Season

Annual Event Focuses on Best Practice Identification and Shared Learning Opportunities

The Safety Stand Down is a great opportunity for our AMI family to come together and have serious discussions about keeping our work environments as safe as possible.  The sessions are facilitated by all levels of our team, including members of Asphalt Materials’ Leadership Team, Managers, and employees.

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Worksite Safety Legislation in Indiana Passes

Program to Enforce Worksite Speed Limits

After five years of effort by our Government Affairs team and representatives from Heritage Construction + Materials working closely with lawmakers, the Worksite Safety Bill has passed in both the Indiana House and Senate. This law requires the Indiana Department of Transportation to establish a worksite speed control pilot program to enforce the worksite speed limit and that means safer worksites for our crews and drivers alike. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this victory!

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ARRA Annual Recycling Awards Presented

2023 Award Winners Announced

Litchfield Park, Arizona. Thursday, March 2, 2023

Each year, the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA) honors public officials and consulting engineers who have made outstanding contributions to the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming industry.

ARRA has many accomplishments of note, including the annual FHWA/ARRA In-Place Recycling Workshop, the publication of the Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual, the Federal Highway Administration’s adoption of an official policy on recycling, the National Highway Institute’s asphalt recycling and reclaiming training course, special features in the trade press, and several very successful joint annual meetings with the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA) and the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA).

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H.G. Meigs Earns Third Consecutive Excellence in Manufacturing Award

We are excited to announce that our terminals in Portage and Abbotsford, Wisconsin have been awarded the Excellence in Manufacturing award from the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturing Association (AEMA) for the third year in a row. This is a great honor for these locations and Asphalt Materials, Inc. We are proud of our teams at Portage and Abbotsford for all their hard work and dedication that made this possible. 

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Women in Science Day – Employee Highlights

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is an annual observance adopted by the United Nations General Assembly to promote the full and equal access and participation of females in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields.

Today, we highlight and celebrate just a handful of many of the incredible women on our team who dedicate their time and experiences with us to continue flourishing as a whole!

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