Preparing for Indiana’s Specification Change

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) announced a significant change in asphalt binder specifications in 2024, transitioning from PG 64-22 to PG 58-28. This change, effective for contracts let on or after September 1, 2024, affects all base grade liquid asphalt binder in Indiana as well as the testing requirements (from AASHTO M320 to AASHTO M332, incorporating AASHTO R92 requirements). In addition, the terminology of which liquid asphalt binders are referred to will be updated to align with these changes.

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Our Unwavering Commitment to Team Safety

At Asphalt Materials, doing the right thing is engrained in every aspect of our culture. So, when it comes to safety, our team understands it’s not only a priority but the non-negotiable foundation of our success. 

As we gear up for the upcoming season, our dedication to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is stronger than ever. We implement several protocols in our daily operations, but we’re also no strangers to improving systems even further. Take a look at some of our tried-and-true methods, as well as upcoming initiatives at AMI. 

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Sheboygan County Wisconsin Wins the Sorenson Award for Excellence in Pavement Preservation

Agencies face significant challenges when pursuing a pavement preservation program. Equipment and material costs continue to rise, and local talent recruitment and retention are difficult. Yet, the Sheboygan County Transportation Department – Highway Division provides an excellent example of how to navigate these challenges and boldly steward public transportation infrastructure with remarkable success.  

The Sorenson Award 

In memory of beloved champion of pavement preservation, Jim Sorenson, FP2 Inc.’s James B. Sorenson Award for Excellence in Pavement Preservation recognizes superior pavement preservation practices of a local government agency, usually a city, township, county or state agency.   

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20-Year VRAM Success Story: US-51

After decades of testing, J-Band®, the premier Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) from Asphalt Materials Inc. (AMI), is the proven innovation that dramatically reduces the age-old problem of longitudinal joint deterioration. Take a look back with us at one of the first projects to incorporate this game-changing asphalt product.

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. It accounts for about 30% (or 1 in 3) of all new female cancers yearly.  Even though it is more common in women, men can also develop breast cancer. About 1 out of every 100 breast cancer cases are found in men in the U.S. That is why spreading awareness is crucial in promoting early detection, educating people about prevention, and supporting fundraising efforts that drive research. 

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AMI Supports Nationwide Buckle Up Phone Down Campaign

Join the movement! The Buckle Up, Phone Down campaign is a nationwide initiative aimed at promoting road safety by encouraging drivers to adopt two critical habits: always wear a seatbelt and put cell phones down while driving. This initiative first began in 2017 by the Missouri Department of Transportation. Since then, several states have adopted this initiative including Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Louisiana and more.  

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