At Asphalt Materials Inc., our safety is our culture. Our purpose is to build a safer, more enriching, and sustainable world by harnessing the power of family. We not only want our workers to go home safely, but we also want them to create a healthy environment that focuses on communication, accountability, and preparation. As a family business, it is our job to look out for one another and prioritize our wellbeing.
We would like to stress the importance of maintaining vigilance and being cautious of any
offers from unknown individuals during project work or any work where you may be interacting with others.

To ensure the safety and well-being of all our team members, remember the following safety guidelines:
Never Accept External Food or Beverage: Under no circumstances should any crew member accept food or drinks offered by anyone outside the project team, regardless of
their intentions.
Bring Your Own Food and Beverages: Each crew member is responsible for bringing their own food and beverages to the worksite. Ensure that your provisions are properly sealed and have not been tampered with.
Stay Alert and Communicate: Remain vigilant and watchful of any suspicious behavior or
individuals near a project site. Report any concerns to your supervisor or the
project manager immediately.
Educate All Team Members: Share the details of any incident with your fellow crew
members, emphasizing the importance of adhering to safety protocols and avoiding
potential risks.
Story provided by Madeline Freeman
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